Aprende inglés online- Cómo prepararse para una entrevista en inglés- Episode 17


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¿Tienes que pasar una entrevista de trabajo en inglés dentro de poco? 

Entonces, te interesa escuchar este podcast. David y yo damos muchos consejos para preparar una entrevista de trabajo en inglés.

Ideas mentioned in this podcast

– Question of the day (Verónica, from Ibiza): how to prepare and be ready for a job interview – 1:40

– The problem 99% of the people who go to a job interview in English have – 02:10

– Why failing at getting a job is not the end of the world. Mónica’s story – 4:15

– Why you should try to put yourself in the employer’s shoes. The first question to ask yourself – 05:30

– The importance of being honest with yourself and looking at things objectively. How getting the first interview builds momentum – 06:30

– Try to be self-aware and know your strengths and weaknesses. Most employers will appreciate and value honesty on your part – 11:30

– The best resource you can have is an engaging attitude: try to be immersed in the conversation and pay extra attention to anything the employer says, on a personal level. This will make things more natural – 14:20

– The story of Mónica’s student: do your research about the typical questions in that field and do a lot of preparation ahead – 16:50

– Interviewers want stories, not CVs. What makes your story unique? – 19:35

– What the right approach is for the private sector: employers lose money when they hire and you might be able to provide solutions or ways to save those costs. Mónica’s rant!! – 21:55

– 1st most common question: “tell us a little bit about yourself” – 28:00

– 2nd question: “what are your strengths and weaknesses?”. How to make your weaknesses sound less negative and turn them into something good  – 28:20

– 3rd question: “why do you want this job?” and why you should not give Mónica’s crazy answer – 34:15

– 4th question: “where do you see yourself in 5 years?”.  – 36:00

– 5th most typical question: “what do you know about our company?” – 39:40

– Final summary of the episode – 41:15

Vocabulary used in this episode
  • A job interview: una entrevista de trabajo
  • To prepare for something: prepararse para algo
  • To nail something: bordarlo, hacerlo genial
  • What happened to me: lo que me pasó a mí
  • My current job: mi trabajo actual
  • A CV: un currículum vitae
  • Put yourself in the other person’s shoes: ponerte en el lugar del otro
  • Self-awareness: conocerse a si mismo
  • Engaged: involucrado
  • An employer: la persona que contrata
  • An employee: un/a empleado/a
  • To be a right fit for a company: ser un buen candidato o elección para la empresa
  • You learn from something/someone: aprender de algo/alguien
  • To change career: cambiar de profesión y campo, dedicarte a otra cosa distinta
  • To apply for a job: solicitar o intentar conseguir un trabajo
  • Your strengths and weaknesses: tus fortalezas y debilidades
  • To highlight something: destacar algo
  • Whenever I do something: cada vez que…
  • Funny: gracioso/curioso o raro
  • What would you say/answer?: ¿qué dirías/contestarías?
  • More than ever: más que nunca
  • To get involved in: involucrarse con algo o participar en algo
  • A rant: una bronca o charla
  • An Infographic: una infografía
  • Even though I….: aunque yo…
  • To overcome something: superar algo
  • To be stubborn: ser cabezota
  • To be good/bad/excellent AT + ing:ser bueno/malo/excelente en algo
  • I am willing to…: estoy dispuesto a….
  • To be in the same boat: estar/ir en el mismo barco (figurado)
  • To deal with people: tratar con la gente
  • “I smell a rat”: me huele a chamusquina / algo no va bien
  • Practice makes perfect: “la práctica hace al maestro”
Lista de preguntas habituales en una entrevista de trabajo en inglés.

This podcast is about you!
Do you have any question that you would love to hear answered?

Is there any topic that you would like to learn in English? Si quieres que contestemos a tu duda concreta o situación personal, temas concretos, etc, puedes mandarnos tu duda a través de cualquiera de nuestros emails. Simplemente asegúrate de incluir esta información:
- Your name and where you are from
- Your question/problem/topic/suggestion
- Your English level or the level that you need

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